Poetry and Secrecy in Luke Roberts’ To My Contemporaries
David Grundy
2018-05-08 Poetry and Secrecy
Also a part of:
Secrecy, Surveillance and Poetic “Data Bodies”
Dorothy Butchard
2019-06-25 Poetry and Secrecy
Also a part of:
‘I Don’t Talk to the Police Except Never’: Anna Mendelssohn, Tom Raworth, and Anti-Confessional Life Writing
Jordan Kay Savage
2018-05-08 Poetry and Secrecy
Also a part of:
Secreting Blackness in the Poetry of D.S. Marriott
Nisha Ramayya
2018-05-22 Poetry and Secrecy
Also a part of:
‘[A] poet must know more than | a surface suggests’: Reading and Secrecy in the Poetry of Anna Mendelssohn
Vicky Sparrow
2018-03-25 Poetry and Secrecy
Also a part of:
Conference Report
Secret Poetry: Fifth Northumbria Poetry Symposium, 2016
David Spittle
2016-06-09 Poetry and Secrecy
Also a part of: